Corporate Office
8648 Commerce Court
Burnaby, BC
V5A 4N6
8648 Commerce Court
Burnaby, BC
V5A 4N6
Mr. Violeau has over 12 years of experience with safety, risk and manpower management on a wide variety of demolition projects. His attention to detail and dedication to Pacific Demolition Ltd.'s crews have helped the company achieve outstanding safety performances on the most challenging of projects. Mr. Violeau’s common sense and proactive approach has allowed him to gain the respect of his crews while ensuring Pacific Demolition Ltd. exceeds the requirements of provincial and federal safety authorities and client-specific safe work policies.
Mr. Venter has over 10 years of professional employment in the demolition industry with extensive experience that includes demolition of heavy industrial structures and plants, as well as mechanical demolition of commercial concrete structures and the remediation / rehabilitation of mine sites.
Mr. Kieswetter has over 26 years of experience in construction, including 24 years in the BC demolition industry. He is experienced with a wide variety of demolition and deconstruction projects involving bridges, seismic structural upgrades to high-rises and heritage buildings, large-scale industrial sites, multi-storey wood-frame and concrete buildings as well as timber salvage. Mr.